"Recognizing the importance of accommodation: Profiling college student" by Anna Marie S. Bayot

Recognizing the importance of accommodation: Profiling college students with disabilities


Student Affairs Office

Document Type

Archival Material/Manuscript

Publication Date



Students with disabilities face unique challenges when pursuing higher education in college. The nature of their conditions can significantly impact academic performance, thus the need for accommodation may address these concerns. Given the growing number of students with disabilities, this paper aims to contribute to the promotion of equity and inclusivity in higher education. The study explored the profiles of incoming first year college students in a Philippine university who had disclosed disabilities and sought accommodations. A survey questionnaire focusing on disclosure and accommodation requests was administered to these students The quantitative design was used to illustrate the profile. Out of 3,404 respondents, a total 104 students openly disclosed their conditions with 71 of them expressed intentions of receiving accommodations. The study revealed that depressive disorders ranked as the most prevalent mental health condition, while ADHD emerged as the leading neurodevelopmental condition. . This study discusses the implications of the findings on school policies, teaching, counseling, and provides recommendations as to how school stakeholders can work together to support the unique needs of students with disabilities. This paper will also initiate guidelines for counselors in forming co-management interventions for students with disabilities.





College students with disabilities—Philippines

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