"In vitro study on the cytotoxic and genotoxic effects of pulsed electr" by Ric John L. Ombid, Romeric F. Pobre et al.

In vitro study on the cytotoxic and genotoxic effects of pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) and selected vegetable extracts in H69PR small cell lung cancer


College of Science



Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Source Title

DLSU Research Congress 2020

Publication Date



We performed an in vitro study on the cytotoxic and genotoxic effects of PEMF and selected vegetable extracts on the small cell lung cancer cell line H69PR. A Master Oscillator Power Amplifier (MOPA) brand device was used to generate an amplitude-modulated PEMF signal that was set at 3.1 MHz carrier frequency in the radio wave region. Vegetable extracts were prepared as crude aqueous with the following concentrations (g/mL): Moringa oleifera (MO): 1.0843, Basella alba (BA): 4.7969, Raphanus sativus (RS): 2.2609, Alium sativum (AS): 6.7111; and Nasturtium officinale (NO): 1.4539. Three groups (i.e. positive control group, negative control group, and treated group) were set up to monitor the combined effects of PEMF and selected vegetable extracts using PrestoBlue resazurin cytotoxicity assay and a modified Comet genotoxicity assay platform. Crude vegetable extracts afforded cytotoxic activities on H69PR with IC50 (μg/mL) values of 10.59 (MO), 7.26 (BA), 11.59 (RA), and 25.17 (AS), respectively. No cytotoxic activity was observed in NO (> 30 μg/mL). Combined PEMF and vegetable extract (IC50) treatments showed a significant increase in H69PR cell death compared to the negative control group (p < 0.05). The results expressed in cytotoxicity index or CI% are as follows: 24.235.03% (MO+26.02 kHz, 3 min), 24.113.14% (BA+9.92 kHz, 3 min), 22.753.23% (RS+26.02 kHz, 3 min), and 29.164.20% (AS+9.92 kHz, 3min). CI% of the negative control was 2.39±0.23%. All combined treatment parameters had no significant difference (p > 0.05). In terms of genotoxic effects, individual treatments with crude extract (IC50) and PEMF respectively afforded significant DNA damage compared to the untreated control (p < 0.05). Additionally, the combined treatment of PEMF and all vegetable extracts in H69PR remarkably showed greater genotoxic effect compared to the Zeocin (Z) positive control group (p < 0.05) in terms of the tail length (124.27 MO, 125.72 BA, 124.63 RS, 124.83 AS; 118.24 Z), % DNA damage (84.28% MO, 85.37% BA, 84.28% RS, 84.52% AS; 70.28% Z), and tail moment (93.28 MO, 94.28 BA, 93.39 RS, 93.28 AS; 88.44 Z) based on CometScore analysis. Overall, our results suggest that combined PEMF and vegetable extract (IC50) treatments demonstrated cytotoxic effects and enhanced genotoxic effects against H69PR.



Diseases | Physics


Small cell lung cancer; Plant extracts—Toxicity testing

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