"Engagement and attitude towards sexual and non-sexual risk behaviors " by Welmer T. Adajar

Engagement and attitude towards sexual and non-sexual risk behaviors of De La Salle Lipa college student


Office of the Counselling and Career Services

Document Type

Archival Material/Manuscript

Publication Date



This study aimed to determine the engagement and attitude of the college students of De La Salle Lipa to sexual and non sexual risk behaviors. Specifically, the researcher would like to know the profile of the respondents in terms of year level, gender, living arrangement and high school attended. Also, the researcher would like to find out if the respondents engage themselves to sexual risk behaviors like pre-marital sex or commercialized sex; their attitude towards homosexuality, pre-marital sex and abortion and marriage, their engagement to non sexual risk behaviors like suicide, violence, smoking, drinking and drug use. Finally, the researcher would like to know if there is a significant relationship between the profile of the students and their sexual and non- sexual risk behaviors. The Behavioral Problem Theory by Richard Jessor was used as guide for this study. Correlation was used to determine the relationship between the profile of the respondents and their sexual and non sexual risk behaviors. Results showed that year level is significantly related to both their sexual and non-sexual risk behavior, except in the areas if they ever been paid for sex, if they are approved of women having abortion, if they ever thought of committing suicide and violence. Gender is significantly related to sexual risk behaviors in all areas and also to non-sexual risk behaviors in the areas if they ever thought of

committing suicide, if they ever smoked, if they ever drank and if they are currently using drugs. Living arrangement is significantly related to sexual risk behaviors except in the areas of homosexuality and if they are approved of women having abortion. However, it is not significantly related to non-sexual risk behavior in the areas of suicide, violence, and if they ever smoked, drank or tried using drugs. High school attended is significantly related to sexual risk behaviors in all areas, but not significantly related to non-sexual risk behaviors in the areas of suicide, violence, smoking, if they ever drank, if they are currently using drugs and if they do not use drugs.





Undated; creation date supplied


College students—Sexual behavior—Philippines—Batangas; College students—Philippines—Batangas—Psychology; Risk-taking (Psychology)

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