"Reproductive capacities of the introduced Monopterus albus (Zuiew,1793" by Dulce Marie P. Nisperos and Joel M. Chavez

Reproductive capacities of the introduced Monopterus albus (Zuiew,1793): A boon of the fishing industry or a bane on environmental management


College of Science



Document Type

Archival Material/Manuscript

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Monopterus albus commonly known as rice field eel have been reported as an invasive fish in some regions of the Philippines. However, no information has been established regarding the reproductive biology of the fish. This study has provided information about reproductive capacities such as its gonado-histomorphology, sex and length relationship, and monthly changes in gonadosomatic index (GSI) and fecundity collected from the rice field of Nueva Ecija. The study revealed the following: 1.) The M. albus exhibited characteristics of a protogynous hermaphroditism as observed by the presence of three sexes (female, intersex and male). The histological examination of female gonad specimens revealed three distinguishable ovarian maturity stages (immature, maturing and mature). It has an asynchronous ovary. 2.) There is a significant relationship between sexual identity and total body length of M. albus. 3.) The month of February has the highest GSI value of 2.22 while the month of December has the lowest value of 0.47. 4.) The fecundity of the M. albus ranges from 548 – 789 eggs. The month of January has the lowest mean fecundity, while the month of February has the highest value. This information may serve as a reference for evaluating effective management measures of this fish.



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Eels—Philippines—Reproduction; Introduced fishes—Philippines

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