"Accompervising: A grounded theory on the Lasallian supervision of De L" by Dennis M. Magbanua FSC

Accompervising: A grounded theory on the Lasallian supervision of De La Salle Supervised Schools in the Philippines


Br. Andrew Gonzalez FSC College of Education


Educational Leadership and Management

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The purpose of this grounded theory study is to uncover the understanding of Lasallian school supervision in the Philippines. The classical Grounded Theory method of Glaser and Strauss (1967) using Open Coding, Constant-Comparison, Axial Coding, Memoing, Selective Coding and the constructivist approach of Charmaz (2006) to Grounded Theory were used as guides to answer how Lasallian supervision is understood and lived by the major stakeholders (La Salle Brothers, LASSSAI Board members, LASSO regional superintendents, supervisors, school owners, school heads, faculty, staff and students) of the De La Salle supervised schools system. A total of 25 major stakeholders were interviewed and non-technical literature such as minutes of the Board meetings, assessment reports, and other significant documents were analyzed with the aid of a qualitative analysis software known as HyperResearch by Researchware and the Conditional Matrix of Strauss and Corbin (1998).


The theoretical framework that emerged from the participants’ data is “accompervising” which is to mean: accompanying the school for it to run well. In the course of accompanying the school, there are interactions that exert influence to it and occur in six distinct yet related categories of non-linear processes namely: a.) Defining the divergent nature of Lasallian supervision, b.) Establishing the causal conditions which generated the divergence, c.) Contextualizing the interactions, d.) Determining intervening conditions, e.) Reconciling strategies that transform the phenomenon and f.) Realizing the outcomes of the strategies. In pragmatic terms, the accompanying of the school for it to run well is a fresh and creative grounded framework for change, a “walking with” of two companions in a journey — the school and the supervisor. The discoveries of this study have important implications to the activity of Lasallian supervision of schools itself, to educational practice, the development o f educational policy and to educational leadership and management. For the system of Lasallian supervision of schools, the discoveries call for a renewed way of thinking and implementing supervision practices and policies. The

discoveries also suggest a training program for school supervisors that is well- grounded on theory. They also necessitate the creation of better educational

policies of countries with lack of financial capacity to further explore more public-private partnerships in the supervision of public schools. The discoveries


also point to a revitalized understanding of school governance that emphasizes collaboration among all members of the school community. Major recommendations of this study include the imperative on the part of the De La Salle supervised school system to come up with its own articulation of a framework of key principles on education, leadership and management of supervised schools. Additionally, a quantitative study may be made on the effectiveness of Lasallian supervision. Lastly, the conduct of parallel qualitative studies is also recommended for religious congregations in charge of running systems of schools and Catholic dioceses that have existing associations of parochial schools.



Educational Administration and Supervision


School management and organization—Philippines; College-school cooperation—Philippines

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