Customer's perceived brand value on private labels in online marketplaces - Philippines


Ramon V. Del Rosario College of Business


Marketing and Advertising Department

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Source Title

9th National Business and Management Conference

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Online marketplaces such as Lazada and Shopee are two of the Philippines' most commonly used e-commerce platforms. Businesses opt to be present in online marketplaces because it brings more website traffic and brand awareness. However, due to the unforeseen COVID-19 pandemic, businesses that did not have any online presence before were left with no choice but to venture on online selling platforms in hopes of reaching their customers or clients most conveniently. This study investigates if the perceived brand value of customers to a private label brand is affected by the private label brand's choice of selling platform -- whether on an existing online marketplace or creating their official ecommerce business website. It was hypothesized that selling private label brands together with generic, other private labeled brands, and counterfeits can affect brand value negatively. With this, a statistical study was conducted on 118 respondents through a non-probability quota sampling. This study aims to identify the factors that affect consumers' perception of brands in the marketplaces and determine if online shopping promotions decrease brands' brand value. This study confirms that the brand value of private-labeled goods, when sold in marketplaces and/or on their official websites, influences the customers' perceived brand value. It was then concluded these variables have a positive relationship.



E-Commerce | Marketing


Brand name products; Electronic commerce—Philippines

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