"An experimental study on the significance of campaign tone messages an" by Noel Sajud I. Murad, Mont Miguel Aynrand R. Ranalan et al.

An experimental study on the significance of campaign tone messages and its impact on the University of Santo Tomas - AB students electorate's socio-political interest


Ramon V. Del Rosario College of Business


Marketing and Advertising Department

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Source Title

2014 ACMC International Conference on Media, Communication, Culture and the Dynamics of Change

Publication Date



In the Philippines. there is very little literature that discuss the significance and the impact of positively toned and negatively toned campaign messages on the voting behavior of the electorates. The researchers hypothesize that negative toned Voter Empowerment Campaigns (VECs) will have a greater impact than positive toned ones on the socio-political interest of the UST-AB student electorate. The researchers operationalized a framework based on Marcus and MacKuen's Affective Intelligence Theory and employed a quantitative study in an experimental design. The researchers then subjected the data gathered from the 100 respondents to Point-Biserial Correlation Coefficient, one-tailed T-test, and two-tailed T-test statistical treatments. The findings show that there is no significant difference between VECs with a negative tone or positive tone on the socio-political interest of the UST-AB student electorate, despite a directly proportional relationship between the two variables. The findings confirm that campaign tone is an insignificant factor that may affect the socio-political interest of the electorates.



Political Science | Public Relations and Advertising


Abstract only


Political campaigns—Philippines

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