"Jose Rizal honors society members, SY 1971-1972" by De La Salle University, Manila

Jose Rizal honors society members, SY 1971-1972

Personality Involved

De La Salle University, Manila

Date of Event



Alfonso Blanco, AB Marlou Castillo, AB-BSBA Calixto Chikiamco, AB Paul Cuyegkeng, IME Jaime Dalumpines FSC, AB-BSE Gerardo De Luxuriaga, AB Ramiro Golez Jr., AB Jose Itchon, IME Alfredo Kudemus, BSC Luis Mari Mendieta, BSBA Johnson Tan Seyu, BSC Rafael Teehankee Jr., IME Filadelfo Torres, BSC Co King Uy, ChE Gaudencio Valino Jr., BSC and Tadeo Villaroza, AB.1972 were the Jose Rizal Honors Society members for SY 1971-1972.

Event Type


Information Source

Commencement Program 2nd Trimester SY 1999-2000, Ja 20 '00.


Alfonso Blanco; Marlou Castillo; Calixto Chikiamco; Paul Cuyegkeng; Jaime Dalumpines FSC; Gerardo De Luxuriaga; Ramiro Golez Jr.; Jose Itchon; Alfredo Kudemus; Luis Mari Mendieta; Johnson Tan Seyu; Rafael Teehankee Jr.; Filadelfo Torres; Co King Uy; Gaudencio Valino Jr.; Tadeo Villaroza

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