"University received centennial star" by De La Salle University, Manila

University received centennial star

Personality Involved

De La Salle University, Manila

Date of Event



DLSU Manila


De La Salle Santiago Zobel gave a Centennial Star to De La Salle University as a gift to the Centennial of the Institution in 2011. Created by the Castrillo artisans, the sculpture was received by DLSU President and Chancellor Br. Armin Luistro FSC in his office, The Centennial Star features the Star of Faith, the distinguishing mark of the Brothers of the Christian Schools. The five vertices of the Star represent benevolence, civility, humanitarianism, service-oriented goals, and scientific pursuit. Br. Dennis Magbanua FSC, DLSZ President, in his remarks of circumstance, noted DLSU's contribution to education and national development through its relevant programs for the community and its active participation in various advocacies and national events.

Event Type


Information Source

2401 41(18) : March 01 2010. p. 8.


De La Salle-Santiago Zobel; De La Salle University; Dennis Magbanua FSC; Armin Altamirano Luistro FSC, 1961-

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