"Father Hulsbosch replaced Father Suico" by De La Salle University, Manila

Father Hulsbosch replaced Father Suico

Personality Involved

De La Salle University, Manila

Date of Event



Fr. Cornelis Hulsbosch, M.H.M. (Mill Hill Missionaries), former grade school chaplain, served as DLSU Chaplain. He succeeded Fr. Bernardo Suico, who took up his assignment as organizer of an R.P. retirement fund program for elderly parish priests. The new grade school chaplain was Fr. Alex Menes, an M.S. student in guidance at DLSU.

Event Type

Selection and appointment

Information Source

Saliksik 1(3) : November 04, 1975.


Cornelis Hulsbosch MHM; Bernardo Suico

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