"Patron of all teachers" by De La Salle University, Manila

Patron of all teachers

Personality Involved

De La Salle University, Manila

Date of Event



St. John Baptist de La Salle died on April 7, 1719. The Catholic Church celebrates April 7 as his feast day, but La Salle schools celebrate it on May 15. This was the day when St. John Baptist de La Salle was declared by the Church as Patron of all Teachers in 1950.

Event Type


Information Source

The DLSU Newsletter 28(43):3 Ap 7 '97; Superschools Journal 8:2 F '92; Superschools Journal 4(2):1 Je-Jl '97; The La Sallite Magazine 20(8):2 Ja '56; The La Sallite Magazine: 1 Ja '59; DLSU Newsletter Ja 2001.


St. John Baptist de La Salle

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