"Philippine Accrediting Association of Schools Colleges and Universitie" by College of Liberal Arts, De La Salle University

Philippine Accrediting Association of Schools Colleges and Universities (PAASCU) re-survey of the College of Liberal Arts

Date of Event



The two-day PAASCU re-survey of the College of Liberal Arts - Commerce ended. The PAASCU survey limits itself to evaluating the Commerce, Liberal Arts, and Education Departments.

Event Type


Information Source

75 Years of Memories : Commemorative Calendar. Balita: De La Salle College Newsletter : August 1967. La Sallian 8(3) : August 28, 1967. p. 1.


De La Salle University. College of Liberal Arts; De La Salle University. College of Education; Philippine Accrediting Association of Schools, Colleges and Universities

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