"[Superior General of the RVM received the St. La Salle medal]" by Ma. Josefina C. Yamzon

[Superior General of the RVM received the St. La Salle medal]

Personality Involved

Ma. Josefina C. Yamzon

Date of Event



William Shaw Theater


Rev. M. Ma. Josefina C. Yamzon, Superior General of the RVM, formally received the St. La Salle Medal and gave a formal public response during the DLSU Graduation rites. The dinner held on June 8 was in anticipation of the public award since Brother Andrew Gonzalez, FSC, was to leave the country and could not be present at the graduation ceremonies.

Event Type


Information Source

DLSU Newsletter 7(4) : June 11 1984. p. 1; Marcelino A. Foronda, Jr. Collection; Ancilla Domini 1(1) : September 1984. p. 7.


Ma. Josefina C. Yamzon--Awards

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