"DLSU received the first academic Anvil Award of Merit" by De La Salle University, Manila

DLSU received the first academic Anvil Award of Merit

Personality Involved

De La Salle University, Manila

Date of Event



Makati City


DLSU received the first academic Anvil Award of Merit in the category Publication-External/Poster for its creative promotional tool designed to encourage the best and brightest high school student to enroll in the University during the 34th Anvil Awards of the Public Relations Society of the Philippines (PRSP) on the theme The Oscar of Public Relations.

Event Type


Information Source

The DLSU Newsletter 30(37) : March 1 1999. p. 4.; Abut-Tanaw 26(3) : April 1999. p. 1.; DLSU Newsletter 31(38) : February 21 2000. p. 1.; Abut-Tanaw: Firsts 28(2) : April 2001.


De La Salle University--Awards; Anvil Award of Merit

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