Outstanding educators for 1985
Date of Event
Metrobank Plaza Auditorium
Philosophy Department Chairperson Emerita Quito was among the 10 teachers selected by Metrobank Foundation as Outstanding Educators for 1985. The teachers were selected from schools all over the country, as announced by Metrobank Foundation President Edgardo B. Espiritu. Awarding ceremonies were held on September 5.
Event Type
Information Source
DLSU Newsletter 8(14):1 Ag 26 '85; Tawag Pansin 2(5):2 Ag-O '85.
De La Salle University--Awards; De La Salle University--Faculty; Philippines. Metrobank Foundation; Emerita S. Quito, 1926-
Recommended Citation
Quito, E. S. (1985). Outstanding educators for 1985. Retrieved from https://animorepository.dlsu.edu.ph/events_diary/387