"Ma. Chloe Rochelle Pagaduan resigned as assistant librarian" by De La Sale University, Manila

Ma. Chloe Rochelle Pagaduan resigned as assistant librarian

Personality Involved

De La Sale University, Manila

Date of Event



Number 1 topnotcher in the 2004 Board Exams for Librarians and 1 of only 2 members of Co-Academic Personnel (CAP) with a Master's degree in Library Science Ma. Chloe Rochelle Pagaduan submitted her resignation as Assistant Librarian, DLSU-Manila, effective August 31, 2004. She serves as head, Reference Section of the Library, DLSU-Dasmarinas.

Information Source

Minutes of Meeting, LMC, S 2004.


Ma. Chloe Rochelle Pagaduan

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