"Exploring the impacts of job loss during the COVID-19 pandemic on the " by Ernest Bacani

Date of Publication


Document Type

Master's Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Science in Psychology Major in Clinical Psychology

Subject Categories

Clinical Psychology


College of Liberal Arts



Thesis Advisor

Cely Magpantay

Defense Panel Chair

Maria Caridad H. Tarroja

Defense Panel Member

Marc Eric Reyes
Johann Andrew Sagmit


Job loss has been a usual phenomenon even before the COVID-19 Pandemic, and it has been found that losing one’s job negatively impacts mental health. However, there are circumstances during the COVID-19 Pandemic that were not present before, such as health protocols, lockdowns, and travel restrictions that have prevailed for a more extended period, which may add to the negative impacts of job loss to mental health. This study explored the impacts of job loss during the COVID19 Pandemic on the mental health of the retrenched employees from the tourism sector. The study used qualitative research design, particularly the case study method, and thematic analysis was conducted as well as cross-case analysis in analyzing the data gathered. A total of 6 participants have joined the study. 50% of the participants came from the hotel industry (n= 3) and from the airline industry (n= 3). The participants’ age ranges from 24 years old to 40 years old with an average of 28 years old. In terms of the participants’ sex, 65% are male (n= 4) while 35% are female (n= 2). The participants’ tenure in their company ranges from 6 months to 5 years, with an average of 1 year and 7 months. Results of the study have shown that coping factors have mediated the relationship between job loss and core processes that perpetuate stable or unstable mental health. The experiences, themes, and sub-themes found in the study were further discussed.

Abstract Format



Running head: Impacts of job loss on mental heath during COVID-19 pandemic






Employees—Dismissal of; COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-; Mental health; Tourism

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