"Test development of motivational self-regulation strategies of Filipin" by Maria Cristina A. DeVilla

Date of Publication


Document Type

Master's Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Science in Psychology Major in Psychological Measurement

Subject Categories



College of Liberal Arts



Thesis Advisor

Rene M. Nob

Defense Panel Chair

Maria Guadalupe C. Salanga

Defense Panel Member

Clarissa F. Delariarte
Ma. Angeles G. Lapeña


Early efforts to develop and validate a measure for self-regulation of motivation established a structure distinct from other aspects of self-regulated learning and produced evidence that recognized its importance in various aspects of learning. However, strategies previously identified may be constrained with the Western model of motivational regulation and may not offer techniques appropriate to Filipino students. The assumption is that socially motivated students may subscribe to other forms of regulation of motivation. Hence, this study used exploratory sequential mixed method design to develop a measure of motivational self-regulation strategies relevant to Filipino students. Given this method, qualitative data was gathered and analyzed initially and were utilized to develop the items. The items were evaluated and modified through different stages of content validation which resulted in the construction of the 88-item Filipino motivational self-regulation strategies scale. A total of 622 college students served as respondents in the quantitative phase. Results from the exploratory factor analysis obtained a 7-factor structure of motivational self-regulation with KMO coefficient and Barlett’s Sphericity value of 0.95 and .001, respectively and total variance of 51.6%. Internal reliability had an acceptable level based on the Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of a=0.84 for factor 1(regulation of personal welfare goals); a=0.86 for factor 2 (regulation of perceived social pressure); a=0.85 for factor 3 (self-consequating); a=0.84 for factor 4 (valuing perceived social support); a=0.85 for factor 5 (environmental structuring); a=0.85 for factor 6 (performance self-talk) and a=0.85 for factor 7 (regulation of learning responsibility). Correlation of the Filipino motivational self-regulation strategies with Wolters’ MSR strategies and Effort provided evidence of convergent and criterion-related validity. The development of this instrument will help researchers, educators and school counselors understand Filipino academic motivation. Identifying strategies that are more relevant to Filipino students may be utilized to further improve classroom instruction and techniques in assisting students with motivational concerns.

Abstract Format






Physical Description

vi, 136 leaves


Motivation in education--Philippines; Students--Philippines

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