Date of Publication


Document Type

Master's Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Arts in Development Policy

Subject Categories

Political Science


College of Liberal Arts


Political Science

Thesis Advisor

Ma. Divina Gracia Z. Roldan

Defense Panel Chair

Maria Milagros Regina I. Lomotan

Defense Panel Member

Marie Bembie A. Girado
Joseph C. Velasco


Since 1964, more than 12,500 international volunteers have served in the Philippines to assist in projects implemented by various government offices, non-government organizations, and the academe (Philippine National Volunteer Service Coordinating Agency, 2020). Volunteers supported their Filipino colleagues in developing comprehensive land use plans, improving solid waste management strategies, conducting remedial reading sessions for students, and co-facilitating life skills training for out-of-school youth, to name a few. Despite the presence of international volunteers in the country for almost 60 years, there are limited studies that demonstrate its impact on development in general and to host organizations in particular.

This thesis aims to contribute to the knowledge base on international volunteerism as it relates to the capacity development of teachers. The main objective of this research is to analyze the contributions of international volunteerism to the capacity development of teachers. In addition, the study also determined the extent to which projects and activities of international volunteers, qualifications and skills, and cross-cultural integration contribute to the capacity development of teachers. Moreover, this research examined the impact of international volunteerism on teachers' personal and professional development. Lastly, the study identified the factors that enable and impede the capacity development of teachers through international volunteerism.

This study is a qualitative study using an inductive approach and ethnographic research design. Data were gathered using a survey questionnaire, key informant interviews, participant observation, and desk research. The research utilized the Adapted New World Kirkpatrick Model that evaluates programs and learning events at four levels: Reaction, Learning, Behavior Change, and Results.

Results of the study showed a high level of satisfaction among teachers and principals on the projects and activities implemented with international volunteers. The program has also been a cross-cultural exchange opportunity for students, teachers, school staff, and community members. However, the skills and qualifications of international volunteers were seen as a challenge in some host schools. In addition, teacher counterparts adapted teaching strategies, classroom management techniques, and feedback methods shared by the volunteers. In the same way, counterparts shared knowledge and guided volunteers in their work. The study also showed that counterparts continued most of the projects they implemented with volunteers. Working with volunteers also influenced their work style and attitude toward work, however, there was a limited influence on promoting diversity. Lastly, the study showed that the experience of teachers working with volunteers resulted in personal growth demonstrated through increased confidence and improved interpersonal skills through friendship and networks. It has also contributed to teachers’ professional development, including promotion, mentoring and leadership, and volunteerism in the community. The international volunteerism experience and capacity development resulting from it is influenced by facilitating and impeding factors within and outside the school. The facilitating factors include having a clear work plan and deliverables, matching of skills and qualifications with the needs of schools, a strong support system in the school and community, soft skills of both volunteers and counterparts and preparations of schools and training of volunteers. Meanwhile, the impeding factors include overlapping priorities, lack of community support, and organizational policies that limit the work of volunteers and counterparts.

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v, 97 leaves


Voluntarism—International cooperation

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