"A comparative study between Thomistic and Vietnamese concept of God" by Ruong Van Do


Ruong Van Do

Date of Publication


Document Type

Master's Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Arts in Philosophy

Subject Categories



College of Liberal Arts



Thesis Advisor

Maxell C. Aranilla

Defense Panel Chair

Lorenz M. Festin

Defense Panel Member

Robert James M. Boyles
Napoleon M. Mabaquiao, Jr.


Philosophy of religion is a leading discipline in studying philosophy. Since ancient times people have focused and invested heavily in studying about God, but it remains inexhaustible. Hence, many fields are still researching God. Thus, understanding (Does God exist? How does God exist? Who He is?) and obeying God are considered the most important duties in a man's life since He alone is the source of all things and man’s ultimate destination. He alone is the source of absolute happiness for all His creatures. This is the truth regardless of whether or not man accepts Him. Especially in the relation between the Thomistic and Vietnamese concept of God, until now, there is no any publication. Therefore, this thesis will look into the comparative study between the Thomistic and Vietnamese concepts of God. It will attempt to study the essence of God in an effort to answer the question, “Who is God?” The result of this study will show that there is a new way of painting a portrait of God. This portrait of God will include the variables aseity, unicity, necessity, and absoluteness. Through these attributes, the researcher will compare the Thomistic concept of God with the Vietnamese concepts of Troi and Ancestor Worship and draw out their similarities and differences. All this is done to uncover the truth about God, who is the source of human life and happiness. So, with this knowledge, we may love and be united with Him, then we will find fulfillment.

Abstract Format






Physical Description

128 leaves


God—Simplicity; Ontology; Essentialism Philosophy); Existentialism; Nature; Contingency (Philosophy); Thomism

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