Date of Publication


Document Type

Integrated Marketing Communications Campaign

Degree Name

Master of Marketing Communications

Subject Categories



Ramon V. Del Rosario College of Business


Marketing and Advertising

Thesis Advisor

Ms. Emma Lourdes R. Mones

Defense Panel Chair

Luz Suplico-Jeong

Defense Panel Member

Carlo Saavedra
Estela Fernandez


KCurated is a local home decor brand established under Kenneth Cobonpue (KC) and Interior Crafts of the Island. The brand was created so that the main KC brand has a counterpart that specifically caters to home decor and accessories, positioning it as an affordable luxury exclusive to the Filipino market. In this research, KCurated is taken under the microscope to see what their current strategies are and to find out how they can improve their strategies by identifying their target market, creating a brand persona, and building an integrated marketing campaign based on those details. For the research, KCurated’s competitors have been identified and compared to show how they perform separately and how KCurated can differentiate itself based on the analysis. The proponent of this study also conducted market research for KCurated and surveyed website subscribers and past customers to identify their demographic, psychographic, webographic, and purchasing behavior. The results showed that the target market fits the personification of a middle-income class working millennial that is embarking on a new chapter in their life through real estate investments and aims to beautify their first house. With this, the campaign strategies suggested addressed the needs of the target market by highlighting KCurated’s dream value—that purchasing their products is the initial step to getting bigger pieces from Kenneth Cobonpue. The campaign also highlights KCurated’s unique features and how every item tells a different story which adds more personality to their homes. It positions KCurated as a reminder of a big chapter in their lives, making the brand’s products more memorable and adding more value to buying them. This brand positioning was the basis behind the big idea and the overall theme of the proposed marketing campaign.

Abstract Format







Interior decoration accessories—Philippines—Marketing

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