"The role of environmental concern and the moderating effect of socio-e" by Honey Marion M. Cabanza

Date of Publication


Document Type

Master's Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Science in Marketing

Subject Categories



Ramon V. Del Rosario College of Business


Marketing and Advertising

Thesis Advisor

Luz Supico-Jeong

Defense Panel Chair

Francia Santos

Defense Panel Member

Rayan Dui
Carlo Saavedra


Consumer behavior has continuously evolved to fit significantly toward a green lifestyle. Pro-environmentalists make themselves busy by joining various movements to lessen the problem created by using single-use plastic products. Over the years, the problem still exists and is progressively seen in different marketplaces. Socioeconomic status, environmental concern, and willingness to pay for the use of eco bags are the high points of this research. A total of 387 millennials residing in Metro Manila were surveyed. The population whose level of response was measured through a 5-point Likert scale. A quantitative research design was used in this paper. This study aimed to study millennial consumers from ages 24 to 35 years old; they were selected through a purposive sampling technique. The research model was analyzed using partial least squares structural equation modeling. The data from the pretest were analyzed using Smart-PLS 3.0 to test the reliability of the questionnaire and obtain reliable Cronbach Alpha values. It was found that each variable had good internal consistency for every survey question. The result revealed that WTP has a significant positive influence on the PI of millennials. Willingness to pay for an eco-friendly shopping bag can be an effective predictor of the intent to buy eco-friendly shopping bags. EC has a significant positive effect on attitudes toward eco friendly shopping bags. Moreover, AT towards eco-friendly shopping bags also suggests a positive correlation with the consumers' purchase intention. Finally, the interaction between SES and WP and SES and AT do not directly affect PI of millennials. Keywords: Eco-friendly shopping bags, Purchase Intention, Millennials, Environment, Green Products

Abstract Format







Consumer behavior; Green products; Generation Y

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