"An integrated marketing communications campaign for Diwatang Maria" by Shiela Camille V. Bascos

Date of Publication


Document Type

Master's Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Marketing Communications

Subject Categories



Ramon V. Del Rosario College of Business


Marketing and Advertising


Nominee for Best IMC

Thesis Advisor

Noel Sajid Murad

Defense Panel Chair

Rayan Dui

Defense Panel Member

Emily Mones
Ma. Concepcion Macalintal


Exploring the factors that influence Filipino consumers in purchasing Organic and Natural Beauty Soap Bars


The purpose of this study is to determine the factors that influence the intention of Filipino consumers in purchasing organic and natural beauty soap bars. Specifically, this study aims to answer the following:

  1. What are the different factors that influence the intention and behavior towards green consumption?

  2. What are the preferences, usage habits, and intention to purchase of the beauty soap bar users?

  3. What are the factors that affect the choice of their current organic and natural beauty soap bar?

The research made use of the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) by Ajzen (1988) to explain how and what kind of beliefs help Filipino consumers make green purchases. Based on the theory, an individual’s intention and behavior towards environmentally friendly products may be influenced by several aspects such as their attitude towards environmentally friendly products, the opinion of others that are influential on an individual’s decision making, in which such positive opinion would lead to the performance of the behavior (subjective norm) (Hee, 2000, as cited in Abdullah Al Mamuna et al., 2018), and when they believe that they have the ability to act or decide with a given behavior (perceived behavioral control). Perceived behavioral control can facilitate the individual to perform a behavior when resources are available to them or can hinder them when obstacles arise (Abdullah Al Mamuna et al., 2018).

Findings show that Filipinos attitude towards green products has a positive effect on intention towards green products (H1); that the opinion of others is influential on their positive decision making towards green products (H2); that they believe that they have the ability to act or decide positively towards green products (H3); and Intention towards green products has a positive effect on the consumption of green products (H4). Key messages for the campaign were crafted using these insights on attitudes, subjective norm, perceived behavioral control, intention, and behavior which are statistically significant to resonate more with the target audience.

A usage, attitude, and image (UAI) study was also conducted to understand the market of beauty soap bars, a category in which Diwatang Maria falls. This study can help identify growth opportunities by answering questions on who to target, with what, and how. This fundamental type of study will help the researcher identify the linkages among usage behaviors and opinions. This study will give answers to market sizing, category understanding, brand awareness, perceptions, and choice drivers.

In-depth interviews (IDI) were also conducted to understand the factors that affect the choice of Diwatang Maria and triangulate the data from UAI and TPB. IDIs will uncover the underlying motivations, beliefs, attitudes, and feelings of Diwatang Maria users towards the soaps they used.

Abstract Format






Physical Description

131 leaves, color illustrations


Soap----PhilippinesMarketing; Green products--Philippines--Marketing; Consumer behavior--Philippines; Consumers' preferences--Philippines; Diwatang Maria (Philippines)--Marketing

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