Date of Publication


Document Type

Master's Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Marketing Communications

Subject Categories



Ramon V. Del Rosario College of Business


Marketing and Advertising



Thesis Advisor

Schubert Seir Quilinquin

Defense Panel Chair

Raymond Vergara

Defense Panel Member

Joel Legaspi
Janina A. Luis


Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) is widely used in every area of the Philippines, whether it be urban and rural areas. Total consumption in 2020 increased by more than fifty percent when compared with the 2019. LPG remained to be a popular fuel used, even during the COVID-19 pandemic according to the Philippines Statistics Authority.

Petron Gasul is the leading liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) brand in the Philippine market. Since the 1960’s it has led the LPG industry as an innovator, with the first bottled LPG. In Ilocos Norte, established in October 2010, Haus Gaz Corporation is the only authorized dealer of Petron Gasul in the region with numerous branch stores around the province. Although the brand has already been established, there are still issues with illegal LPG sellers in the region, which affects the Residents’ safety and according to the survey conducted, it is one of the key factors consumers look at when purchasing their LPG. Fortunately, the same respondents see the potential of creating awareness of the brands “Sakto, Sulit and Safe” features via social media. Consumers are fully aware of the brand and according to the conducted survey, they would want to know more about it if it was on social media platforms that they use regularly.

Therefore, this proposed Integrated Marketing Communications Campaign for Haus Gaz aims to build more awareness of the brand's features, while also increasing leads and acquiring new consumers.

With the results of the survey and the analysis of the company’s SWOT and TOWS into consideration, it is highly recommended to take on a Digital approach, along with Public Relations and Radio Advertisements to create awareness and visibility of the brand among its target consumers. It will then be supported by Sales and Loyalty Card promotion to be able to increase leads and conversion of online engagements to customers. This approach will promote the brands main message which is “Sakto, Sulit and Safe”.

Abstract Format







Liquefied petroleum gas--Philippines--Ilocos Norte—Marketing; Haus Gaz (Philippines)—Marketing

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