Date of Publication


Document Type

Master's Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Business Administration

Subject Categories

Business Administration, Management, and Operations


Ramon V. Del Rosario College of Business


Management and Organization Department

Thesis Advisor

Mary Margaret Que

Defense Panel Chair

Rachel Quero

Defense Panel Member

Maria Adiel Aguiling
Angela Marie Miravite Aure


This Action Research is focused on viability of Binibuilder (informal business venture) as an alternative source of income by exploring its marketability and profitability at its current state. It aims to investigate if the number of orders correlates to the posts and boosts in digital marketing platforms and if the current pricing system is profitable by inspecting the direct operating costs.

Various frameworks for the first- and second-person inquiry were used to for reflections and these realizations were utilized to help determine the issues, planning, application of solutions and eventually evaluating again in cycles one and two. These were further guided by third-person concepts of social support, social exchange, ethics of care and their roles in my entrepreneurial journey.

The first cycle was a collaboration between me and my husband addressing the assumption that content in Binibuilder’s social media accounts were affecting the number of orders that I receive and the overall marketability of the brand. It explores the use of digital marketing platform tools to investigate the types of posts and level of engagement and if they would eventually translate to sales. I worked with my mother for the second cycle to inspect the costs that need to be considered to determine the correct price for Binibuilder’s products. It was discovered how important data gathering is for a start-up business and how important cost accounting is to know the level of profitability of the brand. Cycles one and two resulted to conclusions that the brand is marketable through the existing digital channels and that it is profitable considering only the current operational costs. If Binibuilder expands and operations costs aggregate, Binibuilder could only become a supplementary source of income and not fully an alternative source of income.

Abstract Format







Internet marketing—Philippines; Furniture industry and trade—Philippines; Entrepreneurship—Philippines

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