"Standardization and harmonization of operating procedures and KPIs in " by Virome G. Dimasacat

Standardization and harmonization of operating procedures and KPIs in the Assessment Division of Bureau of Customs (MICP): An action research to boost efficiency and Diminish Discretion

Date of Publication


Document Type

Master's Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Business Administration

Subject Categories

Business Administration, Management, and Operations | Performance Management | Public Affairs, Public Policy and Public Administration


Ramon V. Del Rosario College of Business


Management and Organization Department

Thesis Advisor

Maria Paquita D. Bonnet

Defense Panel Chair

Rachel A. Quero

Defense Panel Member

Jaime T. Cempron
Shieradel Jimenez


This Integrated Action Research addressed several identified inconsistencies in the execution of the customs clearance procedures resulting from employee discretion at the Assessment Division of Bureau of Customs – Manila International Container Port (BOC-MICP). This IAR simultaneously addressed the lack of a credible evaluation tool to monitor employees’ performance and combat the persistence of employee discretion.

The focal issue of this research initially revolved around the lapses in the employee performance evaluation tool in relation to efficiency in the context of public service. This is heavily anchored at Peter Drucker’s infamous line “what gets measured gets managed” (Prusak, 2010).

The performance evaluation tool for employees being utilized by the agency is called Individual Performance and Commitment Review (IPCR) Report. Through systems thinking practice, this insider research was able to diagnose some inconsistencies and issues that deteriorates the credibility and effectivity of the IPCR.

Despite improving the IPCR, some customer complaints persisted. As the research progressed, it was discovered through the use of turtle diagram and systems thinking that one of the roots of customer complaints points at inconsistent procedures and varying approach of the frontliners on the rules and regulations in processing importation clearance due to gray areas.

Through the utilization of inquiry tools, frameworks, and the ISO 9001:2015 model, this action research zeroed in at the best way of streamlining the procedures and IPCRs to trim down avenues for red tapes and deliver a transparent and efficient public service for the benefit of the Filipino people and the Bureau itself.

Keywords: performance evaluation, standard operating procedures, ISO standards

Abstract Format






Physical Description

113, 4 leaves, illustrations


Customs administration—Philippines—Officials and employees—Rating of

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