"Improving employee’s health and performance through ergonomics princip" by Karizza April R. Oca

Date of Publication


Document Type

Insider Action Research

Degree Name

Master of Business Administration

Subject Categories

Ergonomics | Performance Management


Ramon V. Del Rosario College of Business


Management and Organization Department

Thesis Advisor

Rachel Alvendia-Quero

Defense Panel Chair

Eppie Clark

Defense Panel Member

Maria Adiel Aguiling
Niel Polinag


This action research involved two research cycles to improve the health and performance of the selected group in the AP Shared Services of Aling Tessa Retail Affiliates. Being in the accounting profession, it is unavoidable in our group to work long hours and be sedentary workers. Little did we know our health would suffer if we continuously ignored prolonged sitting results. The group’s issue manifestation was the presence of body pains. Thus, our interventions focused on a training or orientation program for employee awareness about ergonomics and its importance in the office setting, executing a guided stretching program, improving employee performance, and contributing to social engagements that will help reduce the employee turnover rate. Collaboration among us team members was important. I applied the First, Second, and Third person Inquiries to collect and analyze data to help us in solving the issue. The holistic workstation and the CDC workplace models guided us in implementing our interventions. The results showed that even in small acts, we could increase the current health status of each member of the team. We also promoted a humane workstation even for our group. As a Lasallian business leader of change, this action research demonstrated that with the proper mindset, commitment, and collaboration, we could implement change that will benefit the whole Company.

Keywords: Ergonomics, health and performance, CDC workplace models, holistic workstation, action research

Abstract Format







Human engineering; Office buildings; Work environment; Employee health promotion

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