Date of Publication


Document Type

Insider Action Research

Degree Name

Master of Business Administration

Subject Categories

Human Resources Management | Technology and Innovation


Ramon V. Del Rosario College of Business


Management and Organization Department

Thesis Advisor

Maria Victoria Tibon

Defense Panel Chair

Rachel Quero

Defense Panel Member

Jessica Jaye Ranieses
Bryan O Nomerp Payawal


This Insider Action Research (IAR) was able to align and improve the identity of the Digital Communications Department at Arellano University (AU).

The 2020 pandemic created a demand for digital transformation across all industries. This resulted in AU granting wider access to learning and communications to its stakeholders. From manual processing and printing to going 100% digital. One of the main responses of AU to the pandemic is establishing the Digital Communications Department (DigiCom) as part of the transition strategy in response to the pandemic.

Cycles 1.0 and 2.0 focused on role alignment, standardizing processes, and establishing functions to increase the efficiency, knowledge, and effectiveness of DigiCom. Despite having manpower and resources, it is equally important to create structure and alignment. The action researchers were able to achieve an initial step to role alignment and establishing functions through action research, inquiry methods, Alfred Chandler (1962)’s concept of Structure Follows Strategy, Kotter’s Eight-Stage Process for Successful Organisational Transformation, Lewin’s Force Field Analysis and D’Amour’s Four-Dimensional Model of Collaboration as reference or guide for both cycles.

Cycle 1.0 mainly focused on fixing the internal issues of DigiCom. It was an in-depth role- checking and alignment with the human resource department by creating the job description per role and the organizational chart. It resulted in the team having an overview of their role in the organization after creating the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) to address the difficulty of introducing Digicom to the rest of AU’s departments.

Cycle 2.0 inevitably focused and fixed issues from the external environment brought about by students and different departments of AU that paved the way for the idea of producing the DigiCom Handbook. It should serve as a guidebook for DigiCom when presenting to the rest of the stakeholders moving forward. The IAR produced a more effective, confident, and efficient DigiCom team.

KEYWORDS: Handbook, Digital Communications, Digital Transition, Action Research, Structure follows Strategy, Collaboration, Role alignment, Standard Operating Procedures, Vision and Mission, Organizational Chart, Job Description, Change Management

Abstract Format







Universities and colleges—Philippines—Administration; Universities and colleges—Philippines—Business management; Universities and colleges—Philippines—Communication systems; Universities and colleges—Philippines—Data processing

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