"The effectiveness of foreign aid to education in the Philippines: The " by Maria Patricia U. Parras

Date of Publication


Document Type

Master's Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Arts in International Studies major in Asian Studies

Subject Categories

Asian Studies | Education


College of Liberal Arts


International Studies



Thesis Advisor

Dennis D. Trinidad

Defense Panel Chair

Elaine Tolentino

Defense Panel Member

Melvin A. Jabar
Elaine Tolentino
Anastacio M. Marasigan, Jr.


Education is widely acknowledged as a crucial factor in national development. As a result, several interventions have been implemented to improve the quality of education and learning outcomes among developing countries. Bilateral and multilateral aid donors have financed these interventions as part of their aid to education programs. This study examines the implementation of a World Bank and Asian Development Bank-funded aid to education program, namely, the 4Ps CCT in Quezon City.

It argues that to achieve a certain level of success, the program design of the 4Ps must contain some institutional attributes that enhance commitment among implementers and compliance from beneficiaries. The study, thus, identifies and analyzes the sets of institutions that ensure compliance and commitment in the 4Ps’ implementation process by looking at the two barangays in Quezon City. It employs an institutionalist approach by identifying the formal and informal rules that facilitate commitment and compliance for the purpose of achieving the goals of the 4Ps. The findings indicate that the presence of formal rules, such as conducting audit reports and enforcing school enrollment, along with informal rules like recognizing and awarding certificates for good performance, significantly contribute to the effectiveness of foreign aid through 4Ps. Together, these formal and informal rules strengthen the overall impact of foreign aid interventions.

The findings are helpful not only for explaining the institutional factors that affect aid effectiveness but also for identifying what generally determines implementers’ commitment and ensuring compliance of beneficiaries. The paper contributes to the literature on the role of institutions in achieving certain program outcomes and objectives like the 4Ps.

Keywords: foreign assistance, education, aid effectiveness, institutions, 4Ps, CCT

Abstract Format







Educational assistance--Philippines; Economic assistance--Philippines; Education—Philippines

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