Date of Publication


Document Type

Master's Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Information Technology

Subject Categories

Computer Sciences


College of Computer Studies


Information Technology

Thesis Advisor

Glenn Sipin

Defense Panel Chair

Mary Jane Arcilla

Defense Panel Member

Liandro Antonio Tabora
Michelle Renee Ching


Organizations whether businesses, government agencies, schools, etc. have been evolving through enhancing their processes, systems, methodologies and strategies with the main goal of attaining efficiency and effectiveness. When an organization targets efficiency and effectiveness in work, all the stakeholders of the organization benefit either directly or indirectly thus there is a need to continuously improve processes, procedures, systems, and strategies. This paper is specifically focused on iWORKFLOW management framework of Amkor Technology, Inc. The improvement through information technology of the workflow management is a key factor for a timely and easy monitoring and supervision of the various phases of managing work. The Workflow Management framework is one of the most powerful productivity boosters in the software development management arsenal. It is a software application for building, and monitoring of a defined sequence of processes and tasks, with the broad goals of increasing productivity, reducing costs, becoming more agile, and improving information exchange within an organization (Elmagarid & Du, 2012). These systems may be process-centric or data-centric, and they may represent the workflow as graphical maps. The more management can closely monitor the goings in its workflow the better the productivity and costliness. The workflow management system also includes an extensible interface so that external software applications can be integrated and provide support for wide area workflows that provide faster response times and improved productivity (Elmagarid & Du,2012). It is imperative for companies and organizations like Amkor Technology, Inc. to continue calibrating their workflow management system.

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152 leaves


Workflow management systems

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