Date of Publication


Document Type

Master's Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Science in Entrepreneurship

Subject Categories

Entrepreneurial and Small Business Operations


Ramon V. Del Rosario College of Business


Decision Sciences and Innovation Dept

Thesis Advisor

Raymond D. Paderna

Defense Panel Chair

Harvey Ong

Defense Panel Member

Salie Siao
Retchell Morales


This paper examines the relationship of entrepreneurial intention as a mediating variable for entrepreneurship education and responsible entrepreneurship. A total of 335 entrepreneurs (from SIE, SME, and corporations) from The Lord’s Flock Charismatic Community, a religious organization was surveyed as part of this study. The result of the study expressed that it is evident that entrepreneurship education remains apparent among entrepreneurs in the community even though they have already been doing business for numerous years. At the same time, it is also clear that entrepreneurial intention continuously manifest and that the entrepreneurs remains driven due to the support of their families and friends. Responsible entrepreneurship also was strongly evident in the community and this may be due to the number of years the entrepreneurs have been practicing the business while staying afloat. For the multiple regression analysis, this paper found that entrepreneurial intention partially mediates the association of entrepreneurship education and responsible entrepreneurship. This signifies that both entrepreneurship education and intention acts as great antecedents for responsible entrepreneurship to happen, and that the organization can continuously cultivate individuals to become a responsible entrepreneur using the integration of seminars and social entrepreneurship programs in the community. Likely, this paper also recommends that the community should create mentorship program and give opportunities to young professionals who aimed to become entrepreneurs in the future. Aside from that, the community should also integrate successful entrepreneurship programs such as corporate social responsibility and social entrepreneurship into their lectures and teachings to help hone the mind of its member of their responsibility to the society. Lastly, The community should extend their hand to their members by using their means and showing educational, relational, and structural support.

Abstract Format







Entrepreneurship; Business education

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