"Blockchain integrated log management system" by Robert Nicole B. Malagad

Blockchain integrated log management system

Date of Publication


Document Type

Master's Thesis

Degree Name

Master in Information Security

Subject Categories

Information Security


College of Computer Studies


Computer Technology

Thesis Advisor

Katrina Ysabel Solomon

Defense Panel Chair

Gregory Cu

Defense Panel Member

Christian Joseph Villapando
Katrina Ysabel Solomon


A blockchain integrated log management system which would help log system to acquire blockchain immutable logging and tamper proof data. Log management system is important especially during digital forensics and incident response, transparent and immutable logging is needed to lessen the time of resolution of incidents and to make investigation easy to correlate with other events. Keeping a distributed copy of logs also makes the system available in case an attacker compromised a system, but other distributed copy will still be reliable, and its integrity is retained. In this project, Hyperledger fabric will be used to build the blockchain network since it was a private blockchain especially for enterprises. This would be integrated to a 2 data shipper that would deliver the log data to Blockchain and another would send data to a log analytics engine for representation of data. Next is to evaluate if certain utilization factors have been implemented such as Data Visibility, Full Transactional History, Fake Data Input, Tamper evident and tamper resistant data, Transaction Per Second, Compliance, Permissions, and Node Diversity. Lastly if the system is fully functional integrated with blockchain, a test case scenario will be implemented to evaluate the resilience and tamper proofing of the logs on Blockchain.

Keywords: Blockchain, Log Management, Hyperledger Fabric, Tampering, Node

Abstract Format






Physical Description

84 leaves


Blockchains (Databases); Data logging; Electronic data processing--Management

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