"Towards a contemporary model of family business continuity: An insider" by Jose Mari L. Yupangco

Date of Publication


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Business Administration

Subject Categories

Entrepreneurial and Small Business Operations


Ramon V. Del Rosario College of Business


Management and Organization Department

Thesis Advisor

Maria Victoria Tibon

Defense Panel Chair

Benito Teehankee

Defense Panel Member

Rachel Quero
Mary Margaret Que
Maria Paquita D. Bonnet
Cristine Atienza


This insider action research (IAR) project is about Company G, a small and medium enterprise (SME) and a 100% family-owned business (FOB), initiating a management succession process. The project aimed to promote the process of planned change for a smooth intergenerational transfer of management, leadership and power. A road map was established which inevitably included its parent company, XYZ Holdings Corporation.

The undertaking of two distinct action research projects provided me an opportunity to assume three roles. My first role was a part-time researcher in a graduate management doctorate program pursuing my dissertation, while the other two roles were my full-time positions as President / CEO of Company G and member of XYZ Holdings Corporation Board of Directors (BOD).

The first of my two projects was my core action research project involving myself as an insider action researcher working with a succession task force (IAR team) initiating a continuity plan for Company G. The second project, which operated in parallel with the first one, was my thesis action research project whereby data generated from my core action research project were discussed, interpreted and documented.

Based from the observations, family dynamics played a significant factor among the key interventions undertaken including identifying a shared dream, promoting professionalization of management, and a commitment plan to draft a family constitution to prepare a smooth transition of a management succession process. An extension and development of existing theory includes three explanatory models and a content model for the extrapolation and articulation of usable knowledge.

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Family-owned business enterprises—Succession

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