"The role of Filipino values towards partner choice" by Megan Alyssa Santiago Cabazor, Jared Portugal Castro et al.

Date of Publication


Document Type

Bachelor's Thesis

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts Major in Psychology

Subject Categories



College of Liberal Arts



Thesis Advisor

Kimberly Kaye Mata

Defense Panel Chair

Karmia Pakingan


Partner choice is a major deciding factor people often encounter when searching for a potential romantic partner. A person’s search would be guided by specific qualities based on their preferences and precisely what particular values they want the other person to have. The study aimed to find the influences towards value formation and the role of Filipino values towards partner choice by interviewing twelve (12) young adult Filipinos who have experienced being in a romantic relationship. Thematic analysis was conducted to find significant observations which revealed the following: Young adult Filipinos' value formation was majorly influenced by family caused by the values they have observed from them, as well as by other external influences, namely religion, education, peers, and social media. Three (3) master themes emerged on Filipino values that construct the participants’ partner choice, namely, Upholding the Same Values, Building the Relationship, and Assessing Individuality in the Relationship, which all serve as a guide in the decision-making of whether they would pursue a potential person romantically or not. The master themes were supported by eight (8) Filipino values still highly relevant in young adult Filipinos' romantic relationships. The participants emphasized the process of how one chooses a potential partner by describing what behaviors and values they observed in their potential partner. Overall, the results provided insight into the predominant external influences of value formation and its impact on the Filipino values that young adult Filipinos prioritize, which serves as a basis for their partner choices.

Keywords: Filipino values, partner choice, value formation, romantic relationships

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Physical Description

92 leaves


Values--Philippines; Mate selection

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