Date of Publication


Document Type

Bachelor's Thesis

Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Premed Physics

Subject Categories



College of Science



Thesis Advisor

Maria Cecilia D. Galvez

Defense Panel Chair

Edgar A. Vallar

Defense Panel Member

Glenn C. Oyong
Wilfred V. Espulgar


This study explored the effect of Chrysophyllum cainito L. on the glucose concentration of BxPC-3 human pancreatic cancer cells using non-invasive near-infrared spectroscopy integrated with an ESP8266 microcontroller as a glucose monitoring device. The objective of the study is to validate the anti-diabetic property of C.cainito extract by measuring the glucose levels of BxPC-3 using the device and comparing its accuracy with commercial glucometers. The created ESP8266 glucometer utilized a 940 nm NIR LED, and a photodiode. Gmate® Control Solution was used to obtain the reference glucose values, for glucose concentration basis of the True Metrix Control Solution, using the Accu Chek glucometer, and a standard curve using the True Metrix Control Solution was used for the conversion of voltage to glucose concentration using the ESP8266 glucometer. The main analyte of the study was cDMEM media from the T-Flasks containing BxPC-3 cells that had a total of 12 samples, 3 control and 9 experimental. IC10, 63 µg/mL, was used to treat the experimental groups and a treatment period of 18 hours was implemented. Results show that the ESP8266 glucometer had a mixture of results in the T - test in terms of precision, but was deemed to be medically accurate using the Clarke Error Grid Analysis. Results also indicate that although the cainito fruit extract provided antidiabetic properties, the difference in glucose concentration between the control and experimental groups was not significant when measured using the commercial glucometer but was significant for the ESP8266 glucometer.

Abstract Format







Glucose; Plant extracts; Pancreas--Cancer; Sapotaceae

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