"Analyzing the effect of corporate social responsibility on the employe" by Christine Faith G. Joville, Paolo Miguel Matalicia et al.

Date of Publication


Document Type

Bachelor's Thesis

Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Business Management

Subject Categories

Business Administration, Management, and Operations | Human Resources Management


Ramon V. Del Rosario College of Business


Decision Sciences and Innovation Dept

Thesis Advisor

Melvin V. Moraga

Defense Panel Chair

Ma. Theresa C. Gerial

Defense Panel Member

Ma. Louise Gena D. Crisologo


As companies commit to sustainable initiatives in their business operations, it is essential to understand their impact on the engagement of their employees. The study focuses on analyzing the effect of Corporate Social Responsibility on Employee Engagement with the mediating role of Intrinsic Motivation. The study was conducted on Green Antz Builders, Inc. (GABI), a social enterprise in the construction industry that focuses on producing environmentally friendly products to create a sustainable community. A total of 92 survey respondents were acquired in the study from all levels of employees in GABI, and an interview was also conducted with a senior manager in the company. In order to analyze the quantitative data, correlational analysis, linear regression analysis, and mediation analysis were used. On the other hand, the qualitative data were analyzed through content analysis. A pattern-matching table was constructed in order to synthesize the data from the review of related literature, survey data, and results from the interview, as well as observe the similarities and differences in the quantitative and qualitative information gathered. The Pearson Moment Correlation and Linear Regression Analysis found that all variables have a significant relationship and effect on each other, as they had R-values above 0 and p-values below 0.05, respectively. The mediating role of Intrinsic Motivation between the relationship of CSR and Employee Engagement was also proven by the p-value of 0.020 presented by the GLM Mediation Analysis which was found as a partial mediation. Through pattern matching, it was observed that what was found in the quantitative data analysis also stood true in the results gathered from qualitative data. With this, the research hypothesis was rejected as it was found that there is a strong and significant relationship between Corporate Social Responsibility and Employee Engagement mediated by Intrinsic Motivation in the case of Green Antz Builders, Inc.

Abstract Format







Social responsibility of business; Employee motivation

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