"In the closet: A phenomenological study on the lived experiences of cl" by Miguelito C. Beato Jr. and Earlrich Nerre R. Ibon

Date of Publication


Document Type

Bachelor's Thesis

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts Major in Communication Arts

Subject Categories

Film and Media Studies | Gender and Sexuality


College of Liberal Arts



Thesis Advisor

Kristoffer G. Brugada

Defense Panel Member

Mae Ann L. Chua
Edward S. Cabagnot
Kristian Jeff C. Agustin


The LGBTQIA+ community has long been subject to torment and ridicule by a patriarchal society. Amongst the most vulnerable sub-sector of this minority is the youth. Their safe spaces have been compromised even from a young age. From institutions like schools to the smallest unit of the society - family. This is especially prevalent in the Philippines. There are very few provisions and laws that center around the safety of the LGBTQIA+ youth. Hence, a coping and protective mechanism established in the community is the act of concealing one’s sexual identity - hiding in the closet.

This paper aims to detail the internal and external factors that force the youth into concealment. Moreover, it follows an exploratory research design that aims to dissect the aspects of the Filipino culture that reinforces these factors. The main data gathering method utilized is through a set of interviewees. The interviewees are chosen via purposive sampling as it proves difficult to locate closeted queer individuals. These interviewees will serve as the main source of information as the paper aims to source out the factors that affect their lived-experiences. There will be no relationship that will be established throughout the study as the study's main goal is to explore the lived-experiences of these youth and the internal and external factors that influence their lives.

From the data gathered in the research, the proponents have made a 15-minute short film regarding the mind of a closeted LGBTQIA+ youth. It is a narrative-experimental hybrid that aims to explore the mindset of the main character, Gelo. He experiences the duality of the closet, being a safe space but also trapping him riddled with anxiety and mental distress.

Abstract Format






Physical Description

164 leaves


Sexual minorities--Philippines; Short films—Production and direction; Closeted gays

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