"Heavy metal analysis of soil, water, and ferns from the Ino-Capayang a" by Ervin Jaeson Y. Tiu and Fairee G. Palen

Date of Publication


Document Type

Bachelor's Thesis

Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Chemistry

Subject Categories



College of Science



Thesis Advisor

Joel E. Garcia

Defense Panel Member

Eric R. Punzalan
Mariafe N. Calingacion


This study assessed the extent of heavy metal contamination in soil and water samples from the Ino-Capayang abandoned copper mining site and its surrounding communities, and evaluated five fern species that are prevalent in the area—Dicranopteris linearis, Onychium siliculosum, Nephrolepis cordifolia, Pteris melanocaulon, and Pityrogramma calomelanos—for their metal-accumulating properties. Elemental analysis using portable X-ray fluorescence (pXRF) showed Al and Fe as the most abundant metals in the soil samples. Cu and Mn concentrations exceeded Soil Quality Standards (SQS) across multiple sampling sites, indicating a heightened risk of producing crops contaminated with heavy metals, which could pose substantial risks to human health. In addition, elevated As levels in the soil samples of Capayang Ibaba, Sitio Ino, and Sitio Proper exceeded EPA standards for residential soils by 782%, 2499%, and 2449%, respectively, indicating potential long-term health risks. Moreover, copper analysis using atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) indicated that all water samples exceeded the DENR regulatory limit for Class B waters (0.02 ppm). Ex situ pXRF analysis identified all five ferns as Al hyperaccumulators and effective Cr accumulators. Notably, only Dicranopteris linearis did not exhibit a significant amount of copper in its above-ground tissues. These results highlight the potential of all five fern species for phytoremediation applications, especially Nephrolepis cordifolia, due to its significant uptake efficiency for multiple metals. Significant differences between in situ and ex situ pXRF analysis (p < 0.001) emphasize the importance of sample preparation in obtaining more precise and accurate readings. While proper homogenization is crucial for accurate quantification, non-homogenized samples (in situ analysis) reveal another aspect of pXRF, which could potentially identify the localization of specific elements in plants, thereby providing unique insights—such as in mechanism elucidation—for various scientific applications. This research highlights the impacts of heavy metal leaching from the Ino-Capayang abandoned copper mining site to the soils and water resources of its adjacent municipalities, and provides a framework for an efficient and reliable identification of heavy metal accumulators for the advancement of phytoremediation.

Keywords: Hyperacummulator, Phytoremediation, Heavy Metals, pXRF, AAS, Ino Capayang Mine, Acid Mine Drainage

Abstract Format







Heavy metals; Phytoremediation; X-ray spectroscopy; Atomic absorption spectroscopy; Acid mine drainage

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