"A proposed faculty development program for St. Michael Academy, Oas, A" by Purissima V. Sanchez

A proposed faculty development program for St. Michael Academy, Oas, Albay

Date of Publication


Document Type

Master's Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Science in Educational Management

Subject Categories

Educational Administration and Supervision


Br. Andrew Gonzalez FSC College of Education


Educational Leadership and Management

Thesis Adviser

Dalisay Brawner

Defense Panel Chair

Carmelita I. Quebengco

Defense Panel Member

Alfredo T. Morales
Flordeliza C. Reyes


This study aims to determine the development needs of the faculty members of St. Michael Academy, Oas, Albay. The descriptive research method was used in this study. A survey on the development needs of the teachers was conducted and based on its results, a faculty development program was formulated. Two instruments were used in the study, the Personal Data Sheet and the Faculty Development Needs Rating Scale, which was based on the faculty development needs questionnaires of Pagaling (1980) and Pagulayan (1981). All of the 18 faculty members of St. Michael Academy in Oas, Albay for the school year 1984-1985 were the subjects of the study. The profile of the faculty showed that the teachers were relatively young, majority fall between the 20-25 years old bracket. All of the teachers were qualified to teach in the high school. Seven out of 18 teachers had 1 year of teaching experience while five have 2-4 years teaching experience. Majority of them have attended professional seminars and five have passed the civil service examinations while two have passed the professional board examinations. The professional needs of the teachers judged as much needed were items on knowledge of teaching methods, knowledge on curriculum development, lesson planning, principles of education, test construction, individual instruction, disciplinary techniques, applying classroom motivation and action research.

The personal needs of teachers judged as much needed were items on receiving the Sacraments of Penance and Holy Eucharist, sharing of spiritual readings on the life of Christ, participating in recollection, attending Bible sharing, Bible Service on our teaching apostolate, attending spiritual formation seminar, attending Holy Masses for renewal, participating in annual retreat, improving school community relationship, improving one's human relationship, developing one's talents and interests, and participating in leadership training. A proposed three-year faculty development program for SMA was formulated based on the results of the survey needs. The program took into consideration the philosophy, goals and objectives of St. Michael Academy.

Abstract Format






Accession Number


Shelf Location

Archives, The Learning Commons, 12F Henry Sy Sr. Hall

Physical Description

163 leaves ; 28 cm.


Teachers--In-service training; School administrators--In-service training; St Michael Academy (Albay; Philippines)--Faculty

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