"A study on the present status of religious instruction in the senior h" by Demetria Peñamora

A study on the present status of religious instruction in the senior high school of four Augustinian schools: Its implication to curriculum programming

Date of Publication


Document Type

Master's Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Science in Educational Management

Subject Categories

Curriculum and Instruction | Religious Education


Br. Andrew Gonzalez FSC College of Education


Educational Leadership and Management

Thesis Adviser

Rolando Dy

Defense Panel Chair

Carmelita I. Quebengco

Defense Panel Member

Imelda Buenafe
Jaime A. Belita


The study determines the present status of the religious instruction of the senior high school in four Augustinian schools. The descriptive survey method was used in this study. The survey focused on the present status of the fourth year students' religious knowledge and religious attitudes and the fourth year religion teachers' qualifications and efficiency ratings. A description of the respondents' profile or characteristics based on their responses to the questionnaires were also determined. The instruments used were the Philippine Attitude Scale and Knowledge Orientation (PASKO) questionnaire, constructed by Fr. Luke Moortgat (1978), which assessed the religious knowledge and attitude outcomes of religious education programs, and the Faculty Rating Form, an evaluation form used for teachers in one of the Augustinian schools. Out of the 463 respondents, 148 came from La Consolacion College, 155 from Regina Carmeli College, 76 from La Consolacion School-Daet and 100 from Saint Francis Parochial School. The respondents for the faculty rating form were representative students from each class of the four schools chosen randomly. There were a total of 177 student respondents in the Faculty Rating Form. Based on the findings of the study, it was concluded that, in general, the present status of the religion instruction in the four Augustinian schools in terms of religious knowledge of Sacred Scripture Life, God, Church and Sacraments showed an average profile.

The present status of religious instruction in the four Augustinian schools in terms of religious attitudes toward Christian behavior, God, and Church revealed a high profile while the attitude toward Social Involvement and Doubts was average. In general, the fourth year religion teachers in the four Augustinian schools were found to be qualified. All of them were bachelor degree holders, three of the teachers have been teaching for more than 10 years and three were Sisters of the congregation. The efficiency profile of the teachers was classified as good with an overall rating of 87.82. The over-all efficiency rating of the fourth year religion teachers showed no significant difference based on the perceptions of the principals, religion teachers themselves and students.

Abstract Format






Accession Number


Shelf Location

Archives, The Learning Commons, 12F Henry Sy Sr. Hall

Physical Description

239+ leaves ; 28 cm.


Religious education--Curricula; Religious education--Study and teaching

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