"A proposed five-year development program for the lay collaborators of " by Teresita D. Artita

A proposed five-year development program for the lay collaborators of selected Holy Spirit schools in the Philippines (1987-1991)

Date of Publication


Document Type

Master's Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Science in Educational Management

Subject Categories

Adult and Continuing Education and Teaching | Secondary Education and Teaching | Training and Development


Br. Andrew Gonzalez FSC College of Education


Educational Leadership and Management

Thesis Adviser

Alfredo Morales

Defense Panel Chair

Roberto T. Borromeo

Defense Panel Member

Flordeliza Reyes
Estrellita Gruenberg


This study draws up a development program for the teaching lay collaborators of five selected Holy Spirit schools in the Philippines, by trying out a workshop technique of assessing needs. It develops a program involving the participation of the lay collaborators. The descriptive-developmental design was used in the study, to analyze and interpret the profile of the lay collaborators, their development needs, and the climate prevailing in the school. It was also employed to design a program for developing lay collaborators. The actual number of respondents were 151 teachers, 18 sisters and 230 parent officers of the five selected Holy Spirit schools. To answer the problem of this study, three kinds of questionnaires were administered within the RACN (readiness, awareness, commitment, needs) Workshop designed by the researcher. The questionnaires were: 1. school climate survey (SCS) 2. new educational thrusts awareness survey (NETAS) and, 3. development needs survey. The school climate survey described the condition of the school based on the seven characteristics of school life. The New Educational Thrusts Awareness Survey measured the degree of awareness of the teachers and sisters regarding new developments and trends in education. The Development Needs Survey provided the data for the present profile of the respondents, their needs and priorities for development. To analyze the data gathered through the questionnaires, descriptive statistics was used. Needs were clarified and discussed further through dyads and small group sharing provided in the workshop.

Findings showed that majority of the teachers were thirty years old and below (50.99 percent), female (92.71 percent) and single. Most of the teachers were educated in private schools however, 48.48 percent of those with MS/MA units took their graduate studies in state universities. Most of the teachers were relatively new in the profession and 127 have incomes below P 2,000. They have more involvement in professional organizations, although not actively involved in them. The teachers, sisters and parents rated most of the items as strongly needed. The first five items according to rank are: communications skills and conflict management, new methods, techniques and procedures in Teaching, Values Education, Curriculum Development and Enrichment, and Speech Improvement. Regarding approaches to staff development, the teachers, sisters and parents rated all the items as moderately and strongly needed. In staff development activities, the preferred trainers were experts and consultants outside the school . Their second choice was the administrator. For the school climate, all schools were characterized with a strong organizational and personal pride by the sisters and teachers. They agreed that training and development are given importance. However, there was a difference in the perception of the teachers and sisters on creativity and innovation. Both teachers and sisters showed a limited awareness of new educational thrusts. The teachers and sisters rated the workshop technique of needs assessment as very good . They found it very effective in assessing their needs and in effecting in them that readiness, awareness and commitment to staff development activities.

Abstract Format






Accession Number


Shelf Location

Archives, The Learning Commons, 12F Henry Sy Sr. Hall

Physical Description

326 leaves ; 28 cm.


Lay teachers -- In-service training

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