Date of Publication


Document Type

Master's Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Arts in Education Major in Educational Management

Subject Categories

Educational Administration and Supervision


Br. Andrew Gonzalez FSC College of Education


Educational Leadership and Management

Thesis Adviser

Marikita T. Evangelista

Defense Panel Chair

Flordeliza C. Reyes

Defense Panel Member

Judith D. Aldaba
Greg Melchor de Lara


This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of the pullout program and fast learners in mathematics of the Grade School Department of St. Paul College Pasig (SPCP) during the school years (1992-2000, using the descriptive-evaluation research design.

Using stufflebeam's (CIPP) evaluation model, the pullout program for the fast learners in the respondent school was evaluated in terms of the context, input, process and product components as operationalized in the study.

The participant's of the study in the respondent school were 160 pullout fast learners in mathematics, 11 grade school administrators, 9 mathematics teachers who handled the program and 160 parents of the pullout fast learners in grade IV, V, VI and VII, school year 2000-2001. In addition, the 40 top and 40 regular students of St. Paul School, Makati served as the comparison group in determining whether the pullout program of SPCP in mathematics made a difference in terms of achievement as measures in the NEAT Math sub-test.

Questionnaires were administered to the four respondent groups from SPCP. Other source of data, including self reports and information sheets of the grade school administrations and mathematics teachers, record on promotions, minutes of the meetings, and GPA in Mathematics for the last seven years and the NEAT results of SPCP and SPCM for the last seven years were utilized.

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Shelf Location

Archives, The Learning Commons, 12F, Henry Sy Sr. Hall


Gifted children—Identification; Mathematics—Study and teaching

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