"Student's understanding of the law of acceleration" by Celina Fe S. Ramos

Student's understanding of the law of acceleration

Date of Publication


Document Type

Project Paper

Degree Name

Master of Education Major in Physics

Subject Categories

Science and Mathematics Education


Br. Andrew Gonzalez FSC College of Education


Science Education


This project paper was conducted to assess the student’s understanding of the Law of Acceleration. Descriptive research method was used to determine the students’ common sense concepts of linear acceleration. Quantitative treatments were employed in the pretest and posttest scores. The respondents of this study were forty selected senior students of Tanay National High School in Tanay, Rizal during SY 2003-2004. The students were given a pretest before the formal lesson started. During the demonstration teaching, students were instructed to group themselves into five of eight members per group and were given activity sheets. After performing the activity each group presented their collaborative result on the board. In this 5-item quiz boys got a mean score of 4.65 and the girls got 4.85. Two days later posttest was given. The researcher used the computed mean, standard deviation and t-value to find the significant difference between the pretest and posttest scores of the students. The mean gain of boys and girls for pretest and posttest were 56% and 72% respectively. The results of the pretest and posttest showed that collaborative learning, interactions of the students during the activity and demonstration of the teacher helped the students in the understanding of the Law of Acceleration. The study also showed that the students really understood the lesson through their given answer in the guide question, generalization and application of the Law of Acceleration.

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Shelf Location

Archives, The Learning Commons, 12F Henry Sy, Sr. Hall


Acceleration (Mechanics)—Study and teaching (Secondary)—Philipppines

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