Tracing the understanding in science of grade VI pupils using cooperative learning
Date of Publication
Document Type
Project Paper
Degree Name
Master of Education Major in General Science
Subject Categories
Science and Mathematics Education
Br. Andrew Gonzalez FSC College of Education
This study determined the performance and traced the understanding in Science of Grade VI pupils using cooperative learning. The samples were the two sections of Grade Six pupils in Good Shepherd Academy, Victoria, Oriental Mindoro, school year 2004 – 2005. Grade VI pupils were randomly sectioned since the beginning of the school year. There were 29 pupils in the first group and were taught using the traditional method of teaching. No grouping was made. There were 28 pupils that undergo cooperative learning and were grouped randomly based on their average grade in the last grading period. Each group has seven (7) members. The study was conducted during the last quarter of the school year. Results of quizzes, assignments, pre-test, and post-test were used to trace their understanding in Science. The results of quizzes and assignment were recorded religiously as soon as the activities were checked. Pre-test and post-test was constructed by researcher and was evaluated by another science teacher. Data were measured by solving the average score of both groups of pupils on their quizzes, assignments, pre-test and post-test. In order to determine how the pupils performed in science and trace their understanding in science using cooperative learning, the same results were used. Based on the comparison of average scores gathered from the results of their quizzes, assignments and post-test, pupils who were taught using cooperative learning acquire much higher average score than those who were taught traditionally. Based on these results, the researcher recommends that cooperative learning method must be given attention and priority not only by the teachers but by administrators as well for it promotes positive traits on the part of the pupils. Cooperative learning must be integrated also to other subjects so that it may help them in achieving much greater understanding on different areas of learning especially in the elementary grades
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Shelf Location
Archives, The Learning Commons, 12F Henry Sy, Sr. Hall
Science—Study and teaching (Elementary)—Philippines; Group work in education—Philippines
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Recommended Citation
Orbeta, R. D. (2005). Tracing the understanding in science of grade VI pupils using cooperative learning. Retrieved from
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