"Instructional leadership practices of senior high school principals in" by Ignatius Febryanto Rivelino Bora

Date of Publication


Document Type

Master's Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Arts in Education Major in Educational Leadership and Management

Subject Categories

Educational Administration and Supervision | Educational Leadership


Br. Andrew Gonzalez FSC College of Education


Educational Leadership and Management

Thesis Adviser

Marikita T. Evnagelista

Defense Panel Chair

Abdul Jhariel Osman

Defense Panel Member

Teresa Yasa
Hans Steven Moran


Instructional Leadership has been identified as the essential aspect in a school’s educational leadership management and turns into one of the most useful tools applied by the principal for developing teachers’ performance and improving student achievements. Through the mixed methods study, the researcher studied the principals’ instructional leadership behaviors in leading the school. The research involved 156 teachers and 6 principals from seven senior high schools of the Diocese of Ruteng as the participants. The research aimed at describing the practices of the principals’ instructional leadership functions based on the instructional leadership model developed by Hallinger & Murphy (1985) and looked into other possible practices engaged by the principals in the Indonesian school context. The findings of the quantitative research revealed that both teachers and principals acknowledged the practices of their seven school principals’ instructional leadership behaviors in the “Almost Always” and “Frequently” levels, as measured by the 10 job functions of Principal Instructional Management Rating Scale (PIMRS). The qualitative findings through interviews discovered other possible practices engaged by the principals. There were five categories found in the principals’ life and typical days, namely collaborating, encouraging, directing, modeling and visioning. There were as well seven categories of daily routine schedules in the Indonesian school principal setting which is quite similar to the PIMRS’ functions. The Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) exposed another principal’s instructional leadership behavior as shared by their teachers: how they feel and think about their principal’s leadership behavior in school and what their expectations regarding the Catholic school principal.

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Educational leadership—Indonesia—Ruteng; School principals—Indonesia—Ruteng; Effective teaching—Indonesia—Ruteng

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