"Improving the feedback system of seafarer survey form in ABC Company" by Ma. Khenna Mae G. Dela Cruz

Date of Publication


Document Type

Insider Action Research

Degree Name

Master of Business Administration

Subject Categories

Business Administration, Management, and Operations


Ramon V. Del Rosario College of Business


Management and Organization

Thesis Adviser

Jaime T. Cempron

Defense Panel Chair

Benito L. Teehankee

Defense Panel Member

Pia Redempta T. Manalastas
Mary Margaret O. Que


This action research improved the process of collecting and interpreting the feedback form of our customers. One of our method to measure the satisfaction level of our customers is through the Seafarer Survey Form. The survey processes were streamlined to increase effectiveness and eliminate unnecessary activities to carry it out. By means of first, second, and third person inquiry made in this research, automation is defined as the best alternative in the problem. Using the Lean First Then Automate Framework, the processes were reengineered first and then automate the seafarer survey process. In streamlining the process, the group collaboratively overhauled the Handling Seafarer Survey, Customer Satisfaction Survey, and Feedback Form Procedure and these were through brainstorming and analyzing the existing procedures. In automating, the group conducted thorough testing period prior to implementing the new system to ensure its effectiveness. Two cycles of action research cycle were applied in this study. For the first cycle, the procedure was overhauled, redesigned, and created a digital form to automate the seafarer survey processes. The digital form was tested by four pilot testers. For the second cycle, the automated process has been formally implemented in the organization by accomplishing the necessary changes in the processes such as revision request, organizational updating of policies and procedures, and deployment of tablet for the seafarer to use. Result showed that the number of respondent and feedback from the seafarer survey form increased and enabled the process owner to generate report in timely manner.

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Reengineering (Management)

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