"Addressing high turnover in an accounting department: Improving employ" by Imelda C. Estacio

Date of Publication


Document Type

Insider Action Research

Degree Name

Master of Business Administration

Subject Categories

Human Resources Management


Ramon V. Del Rosario College of Business


Management and Organization

Thesis Adviser

Benito L. Teehankee


This Integrated Action Research project addresses the high turnover in an accounting department by improving employee engagement. Starting the second quarter of 2018, our colleagues resigned because they do not feel engaged anymore which was manifested in several employee engagement factors such as job dissatisfaction through sentiments of the employee, lack of working relationship and low employee performance through delayed in the submission of reports. This Action Research was developed with the objectives (1) to be able to have the staff feel involved through effective communication (2) To be able to increase motivation through good working relationship and (3) to be able to improve the job performance through work balancing. These objectives were delivered in collaboration to achieve the goal of addressing high turnover in our department. In meeting the objectives, this action research underwent two cycles guided by the first, second- and third-persons skills. All interventions such as one on one interviews, formal and informal meetings, survey and small group discussions (SGD) were done through collaboration. In addressing the issue, we were guided by the Slaski’s psycho-social model and ADKAR change management framework. To reduce employee resignation, we build rapport with all the members of the accounting department. We build rapport to bridge the gap between managers and staff through snacks together. Furthermore, to address the low performance in delayed reports, we did workloads balancing of our colleagues, with the desire to define the deviation of what specifically should the employee doing versus what they are doing. In the second cycle, since, we held weekly meetings instead of monthly meetings to have a smooth flow of communication. Also, to be able to minimize resignation, we continue building the working relationship because we believed that this is a constant responsibility, but this time we recognized staff with their relentless effort in the department. Furthermore, to address the low employee

performance, we continue the workload balancing though process batching. By these interventions, each of the members feels more valued that they are achieving something and that we are taking steps as a team. With this action research project, it gave me an opportunity to realize my purpose through collaboration – that is to lead people and manage resources to promote human development and common good that no single individual can create alone. As the lead researcher, I am grateful that through this project I am bringing change that focuses on promoting a good and enabling work community within my organization.

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Labor turnover; Organizational commitment; Teams in the workplace

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