Date of Publication


Document Type

Master's Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Science in Entrepreneurship


Ramon V. Del Rosario College of Business


Decision Sciences and Innovation

Thesis Adviser

Raymund Ganotice


The purpose of this topic is to provide readers regarding the inclination of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) students towards technopreneurship. These respondents chosen were in the senior high school period and the study took place at the perfect time which was a semester before graduation. The semester when the study was done and survey conducted was in the first semester of the twelfth grade. This was the semester when entrepreneurial knowledge through the subject that provides the learning of it. The aim as well is to inspire future readers to promote technopreneurship for it can serve as a profession or a business venture while ones practice of their respective profession continues. The claim of the study is that there is that the respondents have significant technoprenurial inclination. The potential is present. However, without promotion of the subject, added value in terms of additional livelihood is missed. Taking improvements and enhancements for granted can possibly be basis of lesser developments. This somehow led the researcher to base future and possible IT-based businesses from the consequences the assessment presented. May this study be the starting point of the updated or modern forms of source of income along with other chosen vocations. The results of the statistic measurements are performed in ascertaining technopreneurial inclination of the respondents. In achieving this, the data had to be valid and correct. It had depended on the construction of the questionnaire prepared. The survey material was done by preparing questioning type that having the inquiry in suggesting form. The students are given choices of answers that represent their level of agreeing towards. Along are inquiries that collected information that helped the proponent in filling up the conclusions and recommendations. As well, results of the Hypothesis of the Study are present. All nulls are rejected. After performing statistic computations, each variable have scores that are lower p < .05. This has proven significant relationship between Entrepreneurship Education and Technopreneurship, Information Technology Education and Technopreneurship, and Combination of the teo educations to Technopreneurship.

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Entrepreneurship—Technological innovations

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