"Estimating the potential passenger demand of a proposed aerial ropeway" by Gabriel A. Bughao

Date of Publication


Document Type

Master's Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Science in Civil Engineering

Subject Categories

Transportation Engineering


Gokongwei College of Engineering



Thesis Adviser

Alexis M. Fillone

Defense Panel Chair

Nicanor R. Roxas, Jr.

Defense Panel Member

Krister Ian Daniel Z. Roquel
Paolo Ian C. Lucero


The study area, Katipunan Avenue, is a major road in Quezon City, Philippines. The avenue is home to higher education facilities such as the Ateneo de Manila University, Miriam College, and University of the Philippines Diliman. Aside from the schools, several commercial and residential establishments may be found in the area. This led to the increase in the annual average daily traffic along the avenue comprising mostly of private vehicles which resulted to increased travel time and CO2 emissions in the area. This research introduces the Aerial Ropeway Transit (ART) system into the traveling population of Katipunan Avenue with the goal of reducing the volume of motorized vehicles in the area. The researcher conducted stated and revealed preference surveys through face-to-face interview. Data showed that the main mode of transportation used along the study are is the jeepney followed by private vehicles. Several multinomial logit models were developed using discrete choice modeling. The revealed preference model results show that the travel time outside the study area, affordability of the alternative, and its cost per kilometer variables are significant in the mode choice of the traveling population along Katipunan. The stated preference model also determined the same time and affordability variables as the revealed preference model but included the booking time in place of the cost per kilometer variable. Using the average shift rates from the stated preference surveys, it was estimated that 64.65% of the traveling population are willing to shift to the newly introduced ART system. The shift rate for private vehicles was determined to be 71.30%. Ultimately, the introduction of the ART system is expected to decrease the motorized vehicle volume by 62.25% which will result to a 68.87% CO2 emission reduction.

Abstract Format







Aerial tramways—Philippines; Carbon dioxide mitigation

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