Date of Publication


Document Type

Master's Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Science in Teaching Major in Physics

Subject Categories

Science and Mathematics Education


Br. Andrew Gonzalez FSC College of Education


Science Education

Thesis Adviser

Bee Ching U. Ong Kian Koc

Defense Panel Chair

Lydia S. Roleda

Defense Panel Member

Voltaire M. Mistades
Celina P. Sarmiento


Increase of students’ achievement in physics is one of the goals of physics education in the Philippines. However, results of different studies showed that the state of physics education in the country lags behind the set international standard. With the continuing effort to address this problem, comic-based learning module that suit today’s generation of students is developed. This study aimed to increase the physics achievement of Filipinos by improving their understanding in mechanics, motivation and attitude towards learning physics through the use of comic-based learning module. Moreover, 68 Grade 8 students each in SY 2018-2019 and SY 2017-2018 in a public school in Dasmarinas, Cavite were the participants. The developed module was validated by experts in terms of content/lessons, illustrations, additional features, language, layout and over-all presentation using the adopted criterion reference evaluation tool. The results of the comic-based learning module validation process revealed a value of 4.75 interpreted as Acceptable with a Substantial Agreement (0. 61) from the validators. After the integration of the comic-based learning module, there was a significant difference of 8.20 on students’ understanding as shown in their pre-test and posttest scores on the 50-item test with Cohen’s d equal to 1.0. The written works of students last SY and this SY were also compared and revealed significant differences on the scores with Cohen’s d values dWW1=0.96, dWW2=0.90, dWW3=0.83, and dWW4=0.91. In addition, students’ motivation in the components of intrinsic motivation, self-efficacy, self-determination and grade motivation showed significant differences with Cohen’s d equal to 0.83, 0.71, 0.82, 0.92, respectively while career motivation component did not have significant increase. Lastly, all dimensions of the learning attitudes did not have significant change except for conceptual understanding. The results of this study may substantiate that the use of comic-based learning module to students will lead to physics content understanding and higher achievement.

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Comic books, strips, etc., in education; Physics—Study and teaching

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